How to cure stomach ulcer permanently - home remedies
Stomach ulcers are a painful disease that brings suffering to millions of people around the world. According to medical statistics, one in every ten people experiences this infection at least once in their lifetime. Luckily for you, we have prepared a list of ways for how to cure your stomach ulcer permanently.

Before we begin explaining how to cure stomach ulcer, let us remind ourselves what this illness is. A stomach ulcer is a peptic ulcer that forms pain-causing sores in the lining of your stomach. While at first, this disease seems nonthreatening, but if it is left unchecked for an extended period of time, it can lead to bleeding in your digestive system and even death.
Quick ulcer pain relief
Imagine a scenario in which your stomach starts to hurt like crazy, and then you find out that you have a stomach ulcer. The first thing most people want to know is to how get rid of the painful feeling caused by the ulcer. Below you will find a number of ways to free yourself from the pain.
- Use Painkillers;
This option comes with a disclaimer. Despite the universal instinct to grab a sachet of painkillers every time you’re in pain, you have to approach this disease differently. Quite a lot of standard issued medications can make the pain even worse. Aspirin, Aleve or Advil and other brands of painkillers can irritate the stomach further, leading to additional damages to your body. Before using this option, you are advised to check with a doctor to know which painkillers work and which will only increase your pain.
- Use Antacids;
Antacids bring pain relief and pacify most symptoms developed as a result of the ulcer. But be warned that antacids are only a short-term solution, and they don’t cure your stomach ulcer permanently.
- Change Your Diet;

Even though changing what you eat won’t cure your ulcer disease, avoiding spicy and fat-rich food will help you to get rid of the pain. Here’s a summary of the foods you should aim to avoid if you’re suffering from stomach ulcer: chocolate, cola drink, coffee, lemons and other similar fruits, tomatoes and most kinds of peppers.
- Don’t overeat;
It’s best to have five to seven small meals a day than to overload your digestive system and your stomach with three large ones.
Tip: Take little snacks with carrots or whole-wheat crackers to avoid feeling hungry.
- Eliminate Alcohol and Tobacco;
Alcoholic drinks and various tobacco products can be a possible cause of stomach ulcer. What’s even worse, they also increase the pain you suffer and slow down the healing process. At the very least, we recommend moderate consumption.
- Drink cranberry juice;
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